The ReMembering and ReEnchanting Podcast

Episode 23 - ReTurning to the Cycles of Time

Sara Jolena Wolcott Season 2 Episode 8

As we move through the time of year when the night is long and the day is short, let us contemplate those mysteries that can be unveiled in the dark.  This podcast offers a contemplation of circular time,  ancient temporal technologies, Circular Time, and why it is valuable to vitality itself in the modern age.

4:00 - Invitation to Circular Time
5:47 - To know the Dark by Wendell Berry
7:03 - The "Light" in Darkness
14:15 - Ancestors in the Dark
18:33 - On God, time, place, and seasons
21:24 - Temporal traditional ecological knowledge
28:10 - How do we get away from such valuable ecological calendars?
32:25 - Work and leisure in the modern calendar
33:46 - How does western society come to be so dis-membered from Earth?
40:15 - Separated from temporal realities
45:07 - Linear time, never-good-enough, hyper-productivity and burnout
52:46 - Reclaiming the night; embracing rest; and returning to Earth Time

Join one of Sara Jolena's Circular Time sessions! Or sign up for a private session (just email us and we can set up a time!)

This podcast has quite a lot of references! Here are a few:
What Works by Tara McMullin
Waking up to the Dark by Clark Strand
The American Indian Mind in a linear world by Donald Fixico
A Brief History of Time by Steve Hawkins
Between ecology, economy, and the elevated self: a conversation with Rama Subramanian
Emerging from the Pandemic: fear and curiosity/confidence
Wendell Berry, Go Dark - Music by Katie Hicks. Here's a lovely interpretation by Hannah Fogg
Sara Jolena's thesis: ReMembering the Origins of the Anthropocene Age
Our earlier podcast with Ramasubramanian

Recommended podcast that totally resonated with and in some ways inspired this podcast: The Emerald

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Learn more about Sara Jolena Wolcott and Sequoia Samanvaya

Music Title: Both of Us

Music by: madiRFAN

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